Since our formerly President Sukarno declared a Presidential Decree No.108 of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1964, dated May 2, 1964, which decided Kartini as a National Hero and also Kartini’s birthday, April 21st, to be observed every year as the big day which is known  as Kartini Day, we all always celebrate the day, which is today,  in various activities, especially in school and college. All Indonesian people must know about it. Kartini was the most inspiring woman of Indonesia that had ever lived, she was the pioneer of women right’s of Indonesian Women. 🙂 Regardless of the pros and contras on the decision about this day and how good and great the celebration are, in this article I’m trying to present to you the essence of Kartini’s day, ideas and spirit. What were the ideas she had that make her worth remembering? Tighten your seatbelt! 🙂

Raden Ajeng Kartini (

R.A. Kartini in a Glance

Raden Ajeng Kartini, was born on 21 April 1879, in Jepara. She was born at the time when Javanese still has the aristocratic political system. Kartini is known as a pioneer in the area of women’s rights for native Indonesians. She was born when the country of Indonesia didn’t yet exist, when the Java was still part of the Dutch colony, the Dutch East Indies.

Her Ideas

Polygamy, the idea about having wives more than one, was the one that she really opposed. She questioned on how the religion also provided a justification for men to pursue polygamy. For her, polygamy is another suffer of women’s life at that time, beside that women couldn’t reach out a proper education, their lives are only as large as the walls on their houses, and they’re only prepared to the polygamy marriage after they’re mature enough for it. The indicator of mature at that time was different with it is now, sometimes they’re married when they’re still under-aged. She also commented about her religion, she thought that the world would be more peaceful if there was no religion to provide reasons for disagreements, discord and offence. She wrote “Religion must guard us against committing sins, but more often, sins are committed in the name of religion”. Ironic.

Not only that, she also opposed on how the women couldn’t get the proper education, as I have mentioned before. This was happened to her own life, when her father didn’t let her to study further after she was 12 years old, even though in the final she got permission, but this obsession had never been into realization. She thought that the women should get the same education that the men get. She thought that women should can have the ease of access of education too. Apart from the education, their (women and men) gender should be on the same position in many other life aspects. She also expressed on the women’s freedom, right and emancipation in general. Aww, that’s just so inspiring.

As can be concluded, her thoughts, which were so different from other women on that time, show us that basically all the women can be whatever they desire. This also prove that what she desired, to release her people from discrimination that has been entrenched for centuries in those days, has been into realization at this time. Now, time has changed a lot. Women have the important roles of the growing civilization on this world nowadays. At this kind of time, there is no, at least there should be no, discrimination, lack of freedom, and underestimation for women anymore. That has to be noted!

“There is no cloud in the sky that remains forever. Nothing likely will continuous light of weather. after a night of darkness, the morning born to bring the beauty. Human life is similar with nature” – Kartini

I’m not a woman so I never know how the women’s feeling when they’re underestimated, but I can see deeply through their hearts, they want to be treated well too. So I, personally, give my highest respect to all the woman all around the world who have the fighting spirit like Kartini, who get into school to experience the high education, work to grow their career, and standing up front to express their feelings and opinions and never forget to do their main role as mother to educate their children with the first and the best education that the children should get. HAPPY KARTINI’s DAY to all the woman in Indonesia and all around the world, may Kartini’s spirit grow and remains embedded in your beautiful soul. Much love ❤

About Nugroho A. Prasetyo


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